

Thursday 2 February 2012

Wow - it's February already. Time is really flying by. Balou is now losing his puppy teeth and teething with a vengence. In an attempt to keep him from nibbling on the furniture, car and everything going we've been getting through large numbers of doggy chews. Pig ears, pizzle sticks, sweet potato chews, bones. You name it, if it keeps Balou occupied then we've tried it. The only difficulty is a lot of the chews cause an upset tummy if chewed in any quantity so he's been having lots of rice and charcoal biscuits in an attempt to keep things *ahem* regular.

The weather over the last couple of weeks has moved from rainy and horrid to cold and, when we're lucky, sunny. This is great weather for a heffalump. Unlike some of the others Balou couldn't care less about the cold weather, he is after all a furry lion/bear creature.

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