

Saturday 31 December 2011

Balou's first Christmas

Do I look like a snowman?
The last few days, well over a week actually, have seen the pups and I visiting Rutland for the Christmas and New Year break with the 4Paws posse.

This has meant lots of new experiences for the Heffalump, he has finally met my father and also got to meet my sister and brother in law who were visiting from abroad. Obviously everyone loves him, he has such a friendly disposition and is so funny, flumpy and sweet that it is hard not to!

He has been having a lovely time enjoying the large gardens and fields that we have in the countryside. Each day we just step outside to a wonderful variety of smells, sights and sounds.

There have been presents, chews and lots of playmates too. He has finally met Dougal our country living Border terrier and has watched as a pheasant flew up squawking from the field. Last weekend we took a drive to the nearby Burghley Park where he enjoyed a stroll around the grounds, met the deer and enjoyed chewing on the fallen branches helpfully dropped by the magnificent trees.

Balou has also enjoyed meeting the horses over the last few days. Initially he was slightly wary and copied Tilly's woofing but after a few words of reassurance and the realisation that quietly greeting them earns him yummy treats he now happily goes up to snuffle Jason and Soave as they lean over the wall.

Balou has continued to get along well with all of the other dogs. The little visitors are mostly happy to boss him about though one or two of them are a little apprehensive of his size. He now feels very comfortable with the majority of the 'gang' and our walks in the fields see him lolloping after them hoping to join in their games. Occasionally Scrappy and Bouche will allow him to play around. but not quite with them. Balou was over the moon one morning when Scrappy actually invited him to play with little leaps and play bows, unfortunately this didn't last long as Bouche soon came dashing over and the two older (little) boys galloped off together - but progress and friendship is definitely being made! Tilly continues to find Balou trying and there have been a few shouting spats, Balou now seems to be more aware of his size and on occasion tries to challenge the pom. But she has a mean take down and leaps at him in the manner of the Monty Python flying rabbit if he looks like he's getting too big for his boots. Considering the discrepancy in size they all seem to be doing well with one another, there is definitely a sense of live and let live.

The other day while investigating the local pet shops I found one which has a doggy scale just like in the vets - perfect for weighing a pup. With this in mind we returned yesterday and put the Heffalump on the scale. He now weighs 19kg, almost double the weight he was when he arrived. No wonder he is harder to carry up the steps! What most impresses me about his weight gain and growth is that he isn't a big eater, so where does he manage to get it from?!

Today Balou finally got introduced to our two other giants, the deerhounds Hero and Hamish. The boys are getting on at eight years old and aren't well socialised so he met them individually while they were each on the lead. He has walked past them while they've been in their crates and every time has done a smile and bottom wiggling tail wag, he wants to meet everyone, but often enough this has been met with a deep woof of suspicion. Not helped by his interest in their food bowls! He was very good with them when he met, lots of good body language, friendly and babyish but in no way fearful. The deerhounds had a little sniff but won't be allowed to be loose with him until he is larger, he is still very unsteady on his feet and at his age it is important he continues to have positive experiences with the dogs he meets. The last thing he needs is a pair of brothers ganging up on him which they inadvertently might do.

Balou and Scrap in front of the Aga
Today we also went for a short walk around the village with Dougal as our lead, Balou is still very wide eyed looking at everything around him and taking his time soaking it all up. With another dog we at least have some stimulus to move forward rather than stop and stare at everything. We met a few other dogs who we said hello to and Balou looked inquisitively in through the many ground level windows we passed.

Given all the excitement it's little surprise that the boy needs so much sleep!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad Balou has such a wonderful home, Thank you :-)
    This blog is grrreat
