

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Snooooooze time!

The master of the snooze mode - Balou has much to learn
Does my bum look big in this?
One of Balou's favourite things is sleeping. He is very good at it and given the chance will try and curl up for forty winks almost anywhere - in the garden, on a walk, in a pile of leaves, in a puddle of mud. He is NOT fussy. 

There are plenty of doggy beds in the house and Balou likes to try them all. He doesn't really have a favourite and doesn't mind what size they are. Even the smallest is good for a rest.

But really I shouldn't be surprised by his enjoyment of snoozing. After all he has Bouche to learn from. Bouche likes nothing more than snoozing in strange places. Especially tables and anywhere high he can climb up to. At the moment he often sleeps on top of Balou's crate which is next to my bed.

Mmmm, comfy, fuzzy bed

All this bed swapping is soooo tiring....zzzzzz

It's so tiring playing with an Aikiou!

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